Professional insights, scientific elaboration, and practical application of the law represent a fundamental moment for the Firm to share its professional life with the public of its activity.


The analysis of the topics covered in our contributions stems from the evolution of case studies and concrete solutions developed to meet the needs of our clients.


The analyzed topics belong to the field of business law with particular reference to labor law, commercial law, and statutory auditing.



"Rem tenent, verba sequentur"

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Employment Law


For more information:

Law Firm Guelfi - Via Fieno, 3 - 20123 Milan

VAT number 01401750110 © 2020 All Rights Reserved

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Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, December 11, 2023, " Dismissals under the Ccii test” 


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, November 6, 2023, " No to undercover investigators."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, August 7, 2023, "Transparent corporate processes."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, July 17, 2023, "Serious offenses can cost you your job."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, May 8, 2023, "Compensation for demotion"


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, December 9, 2022, "Important updates from the EU Court on business continuity and liquidation."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, October 17, 2022, "You are only dismissed with a written act."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, September 5, 2022, "The contract prevails as evidence."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, August 22, 2022, "Awards for workers without discrimination."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, June 11, 2022, "Groups form a single enterprise."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, April 11, 2022, "Refusal to relocate costs your job."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, February 14, 2022, "Probationary agreement. Rich in details."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, January 2, 2022, "Criteria for identifying workers to be dismissed."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, December 13, 2021, "Dismissals. Yes to exceptions."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, May 24, 2021, "Staff cuts. Real burdens count."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, March 29, 2021, "Right to vacation. No ifs, ands, or buts."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, February 10, 2021, "Yes to Smart Working with detachment."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, January 18, 2021, "Comprehensive health in the company."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, September 7, 2020, "Justification. Also valid in the company."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, May 11, 2020, "It is illegal for the employer to refuse a request for agile work."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette , November 11, 2019,  "Strengthened Fidelity Obligation"


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, November 12, 2018, " All relationships counted"


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, March 19, 2018, "Wedding participation - welfare"

Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, September 24, 2018, "Short test: knockout dismissal."


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, February 27, 2017, "Balanced accounts and productivity"


Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi Sette, December 4, 2017, "Awards for workers in a 4.0 style"



Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


Commercial Law and Legal Audit.

Cristina Guelfi, Il Sole 24 Ore, February 20, 2023, "The puzzle of access in negotiated composition"


Cristina Guelfi, Il Sole 24 Ore, September 14, 2022, "Continuous crisis with business continuity. Monitoring cash flows is fundamental."


Cristina Guelfi, The Auditors' Journal, August 4, 2022, " The essential role of auditors in the corporate crisis reform."

Cristina Guelfi, Il Sole 24 Ore, December 31, 2021, "Mayors. Strengthened responsibility for asset information."


Cristina Guelfi, The Auditor's Journal, December 2, 2021, New perspectives of the corporate crisis code. The comprehensive management of risk."


Cristina Guelfi, Il Sole 24 Ore, December 7, 2021, "Strengthened responsibility of the control body."


​Cristina Guelfi, Italia Oggi, November 26, 2021, "Key role for legal auditors."


Cristina Guelfi, Il Sole 24 Ore, November 1, 2021, " The key role of auditors and mayors. Negotiated composition of the crisis." 





​​The Law Firm continues its training activities with the organization of numerous training sessions, including online ones. 


Every two months, the Law Firm promotes on LinkedIn a dedicated space for a "Coffee Break" to share and reflect on the main news in the field of economic law. 


Every month, the Law Firm publishes a jurisprudential review in the field of labor law. 





“Those who have not appreciated their master nor his lesson, one day may be educated, but will never be wise.”

If you want to receive our articles or ask for more information, contact us via the form below or using the following contacts:

Via Fieno, 3

MILAN 20123

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